Frank Bacon
Machinery Sales Co.
New, Used and Remanufactured Testing Equipment Provider
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Fatigue, Hardness, Torsion, Ductility, Impact, Magnaflux and Other Test and Inspection Equipment
FRANK BACON MACHINERY SALES also stocks a full range of other material testing and inspection equipment. With over 50,000 square feet of floor space and an additional 30,000 square feet dedicated to the process of reconditioning and retrofitting, we have an extensive inventory of equipment for your inspection.
See our large available inventory of used, reconditioned and retrofitted tensile testers, yield strength testers, tensile strength testers, flexural strength testers, box compression testers, bolt strength testers and compression testers.
Let us upgrade or repair your tensile testing machine. Since 1953, we have retrofitted and upgraded thousands of used tensile testers including Instron, Satec, Baldwin, MTS, Tinius Olsen, Zwick Roell AG, United, Riehle and Forney Electro-Mechanical and Servo Hydraulic Materials Testing Machines.
Check out our latest blog posts to get tips and tricks on all things testing.